Writer’s blogs are full of advice about boosting our
creativity, and I have been trawling through them with interest. I have also
read articles and watched programmes giving similar tips; but do they work?
Below is a run-down of my favourites.
Doing things differently
A Horizon programme, The Creative Brain:
How Insight Works (14 March 2013, 9pm, BBC2) showed that having a new,
surprising experience such as going up in a glider for the first time boosted
people’s ability to come up with creative solutions. This was also the result
for a research subject who was asked to carry out a familiar task (making
breakfast) in a new way. Doing things in the same way all the time dulls our
creativity and leads to rigid thinking which makes creativity more difficult.
Having been sky-diving for the first time last year, I can confirm that
having such an exhilarating new experience shakes you out of your usual
complacent mind-set and stimulates your brain. However, I am also a creature of
habit: until recently, when I went swimming in the mornings, I always used the
same locker. Since watching the programme, when I catch myself on doing
something in the usual way, I take steps to do it differently. I’m all over
those lockers now! This one takes constant vigilance, since today’s innovation
can quickly become a new habit – but try it. Go sky-diving. Clean the house in
your underwear. Wear someone else’s underwear. Have lunch for breakfast – and
see how your writing sparkles.
Bear with me on this one. I am fervently
anti diets and am aware that this sounds like a crackpot idea, and that it
makes some people quite angry. The evidence is out there to read, but here I’m
only sharing my own experience. Eight months ago, some colleagues were trying
out intermittent fasting, when you eat 500 calories or less (for a woman, 600
or less for a man) for two non-consecutive days a week, then eat what you like
for the rest of the time. I tried it for a challenge, to see if I could do it.
What made me carry it on was the totally unexpected boost to my energy and
brain-power. I found that I felt sharper, more focused, healthier and much more
energetic as a result, and I have continued to feel that these are the
benefits. This week I have challenged myself to write a poem every day and was
again astonished to note how much brighter and more creative I felt on a
fasting day. Just saying!
The world is full of noise, and we add to
it by filling every moment with television, radio and i-pods, often mixed with
other stimuli, such as checking Twitter while watching the news, giving our
full attention to neither. Such constant input does not allow our thought
processes to work through to their conclusions. We are not letting our poor brains
finish their sentences. When things are at their worst, I wake up in the night
thinking about things, simply because during daylight hours, my mind has not
been able to process them. I urge you to find a time when you turn off all
sound and just rest quietly for a time, allowing your mind to ponder. I have
found a new route to work that is longer but quieter (I am lucky enough to be
able to walk to work), and I don’t take music with me, but just walk quietly
with my thoughts. This probably boosts my ability to think deeply and
innovatively more than anything else. You don’t need hours, just some time
every day when you turn off that radio and let your mind entertain you.
Reading good writing
This might seem obvious but can be something
we neglect if we are spending every spare moment writing. What you need to read
probably depends on what you are striving for, or struggling with, in your own
work. Recently when I was challenging myself to come up with new, fresh,
surprising but apt ways of expressing things, I found reading Alan
Hollinghurst’s The Stranger’s Child
a huge help, since he is so gifted (or so hard-working) in this area. Please
add a comment to this post if you have found that a particular writer has
helped you with a particular need. I would love to hear from you.
5) Daily practice
This is recommended by many writer’s blogs.
You might not feel that you need this if you are working on your writing every
day, but think again; this is about boosting your creativity generally, which
goes beyond just getting down to work. This week, while fasting (see point 2) I
turned the radio off on the way to swimming (see point 3) and came up with the
idea that I should write a poem every day this week. I have not written poetry
since my teens, when it was an inalienable part of being the teenaged me, and
returning to it has been both a challenge and a joy. I am not going to inflict
my efforts on you because the point has been to produce a few lines daily,
rather than to write something polished for public consumption. In any case, I
don’t want to push my luck when I am already making you fast and turn your
radio off.
OK, I know, now you really hate me.
However, exercise not only stimulates and relaxes the body and hence the mind;
it also provides a good distraction from the writing process, which the experts
seem to agree is good for boosting problem-solving creativity. You don’t have
to take up British Military Fitness if doing one-armed press-ups in the mud of
your local park is not your dream activity; just go for a walk and let your
mind run free.
Honouring your creativity
A while ago when I was busy
working and child-rearing and had allowed my writing to slide into the ‘one
day, when I get time’ category, I kept having a dream. I would discover an
attic room at the top of our house that I hadn’t known was there, but I would
find it filthy with dust and covered in cobwebs. More recently, with my blog
underway and my focus firmly on finishing my novel, I went up into the dream
attic again and found a lion there. He was huge and beautiful, with a voice
like Aslan, and he let me get on his back, ready to fly away with me, because
he and I were going places. Dreams speak so beautifully of deeper truths that
we are trying to ignore. Creativity is the lion in our attic. We can let it
fall into disuse, or we can nurture it and make it more powerful. To do this,
we need to take it, and hence ourselves and our hopes and dreams, more
seriously. We are not given these gifts to let them wither away.
Spring coming – hooray!
This is not in any of the other blogs. But
you and I know it’s true. Everything just feels better. We can achieve
Having a cat
Honestly, one of the blogs
recommended this. I am trying to believe it is true that cats are helpful to
our writing while my cat, Misty, sits behind me, poking my head ever so gently
with her claws, to tell me that she has lunch (she doesn’t) and that it is
overdue. The picture shows her helping my film-maker son, Ben, with some film
editing. I’m not sure if she is actually boosting his creativity here.
Spending time with like-minded people
This is where you come in. Many of the
blogs I have read about blogging (this is becoming very incestuous isn’t it?)
have said that you will learn more from the posts comments of other bloggers
than you dispense in wisdom from your own blog. I do hope this is true. Please
leave a comment telling me what tips you have tried for boosting your
creativity, and which were most successful. Or try some of the above, and
report back!